Cover for Prayer4Syria


Syria, Middle East
Persecution Ranking: 6th
Population: 17,065,000

Chief of State: President Bashar al-Assad

2 weeks ago

Christians In Syria:Syria's Christian community has dropped by about 50% since the unrest of 2011 turned into an open civil war in 2012. In the Kurdish area of Afrin in northwest Syria, local Syrian jihadist groups started arresting Christians in 2018, accusing them of apostasy for converting to Christianity from Islam.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4syria #SyrianWar #SyrianChristians #persecutionSource: Christian ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

O’ LORD, Heal The People And The Nation Of Syria.#Pray #Prayer #WIN1040 #Pray4Syria #SyrianWar #JesusTheHealer #JesusTheDelivererSource: Mission ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Türkish-Syrian Reconciliation May Be Too Big A Task For Iraq:Iraq, under Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, is actively positioning itself as a mediator in regional conflicts, notably between Türkiye and Syria. Drawing on its historical ties and geographic proximity to both nations, Iraq seeks to broker reconciliation talks, aiming to mitigate tensions exacerbated by issues such as Kurdish autonomy and security threats. While Iraq's mediation is promising, the complexity of the situation suggests that a resolution may require broader international involvement.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4syria #türkiyesyriatalks #reconciliationSource: Arab News ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Christian Population In Syria’s Khabur Valley Dwindles As Pressure Continues From Turkey:The Khabur River valley’s Christian community in northeast Syria has suffered repeatedly since the start of Syria’s civil war. The community is comprised of descendants of those who fled the genocide against Armenian and Assyrian communities in the Ottoman Empire in the early 1900s and, more recently, Christians who fled violence in neighboring Iraq. Since 2019, when Turkey conducted a large-scale military incursion into northeast Syria, more than 200,000 Kurds, Arabs, Christian Assyrians, and Armenians were pushed out toward the city of al-Hasakah in the southern region of the Khabur River valley. Turkey has continued airstrikes and shelling on the Khabur River valley, preventing Christians from returning to these villages. Turkish President Recep Erdogan has threatened a new offensive this summer into northern Iraq and northern Syria, a move that would further endanger these Christian communities. #Pray #Prayer #WIN1040 #Pray4Syria #SyrianChristians #KhaburRiverValley #PersecutionSource: ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

A WORD Of Encouragement For The People In War Zone.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4syria #israelhezbollahconflict ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Eyeing Showdown With Hezbollah, Israel Presses Shadow Campaign In Syria:Syria, a longtime Iranian ally, became the key medium for Tehran's arms supplies to Hezbollah after Iran deployed military personnel and thousands of allied paramilitaries from around 2013 to help President Bashar al-Assad during his country's ongoing civil war. Israel's Syria campaign aims to make sure Hezbollah, Iran's most loyal ally and the linchpin of Tehran's projection of regional power through militant proxies, is as weak as possible before any kind of fight begins, the Syrian officials and Israeli officials said. The number of Israeli attacks in Syria jumped dramatically after Oct. 7, when Israel and Hamas went to war. Israel carried out 50 air strikes in Syria in the six months after the Gaza war began. The strikes have included the killing of some 20 IRGC officials and more than 30 Hezbollah commanders.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4syria #Israeliattacks #HezbollahSource: Reuters ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Summer In Syria:As summer approaches in Syria, the chances of drought, heat waves, and health issues like cholera are rising. With already scarce water and sanitation services, these conditions will worsen, posing greater risks, particularly for women and adolescent girls. They face increased vulnerability to gender-based violence because of limited privacy at sanitation facilities and the necessity to travel farther to access water.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4syria #SyrianWomen ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

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4 weeks ago

Several Killed In Israeli Attack In Syria:Several people were killed in an Israeli air attack targeting sites in the vicinity of the Syrian city of Aleppo, the second reported attack on the country in less than a week, which led to several fatalities and some material damage. For years Israel has been carrying out attacks against what it has described as Iran-linked targets in Syria.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4syria #IsraeliAttackSource: Reuters ... See MoreSee Less
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