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So far Prathap Samuel has created 187 blog entries.

Hard Times Ahead for Taiwan

October was very nerve-wracking for Taiwan. It began on October 1 when the People's Republic of China (PRC) "celebrated" the anniversary of the Communist Party by flying fighter jets into Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone. However, they did remain outside the nation's claimed airspace. The People’s Republic of China [...]

Coming to Thailand: A Christian Center

Does it help to have a location for prayer and discipleship? Of course! It's helpful to have a convenient place for everyone to come together where everyone knows the place to meet. Chiang Mai is a beehive of activities in northern Thailand; there are many Christian organizations in that city. Having a place [...]

Discovery Bible Studies in the Middle East

Can any of you think of a better way for Muslims to understand true Christianity than by studying the Bible? In one of the Arab Muslim countries, some people are looking for better answers than the works-righteousness taught in the Quran. They know there must be spiritual answers, and [...]

Sudan: One Step Forward, One Step Back

There was a military-led coup in Sudan on Monday morning leading to the detention of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and several key Sudanese government officials. Hamdok was part of a transitionary government intended to result in joint military and civilian rule in Sudan. The Sovereign Council committee helped to [...]

Lebanon: Without Power

Historically Lebanon had well-managed power outages. It was clear that they did not have the fuel or the infrastructure to sustain power 24/7, so they adjusted. Businesses that needed refrigeration, for example, used generators, and life continued. The fuel shortage that began in the early summer might be the [...]

Guinea’s Coup D’etat Further Destabilizes The Country

President Alpha Conde of Guinea in West Africa was deposed in Sunday’s coup d’etat which left the country reeling from heavy gunfire in Conakry around the presidential palace. There shortly followed an announcement on state television that the 83-year-old president was out and that the government had been dissolved [...]

Indonesia/Covid crisis

During the one and a half years covid 19 has been ravaging the planet, the hardest hit areas have moved from place to place. In the spring of 2020, it was especially lethal in Los Angeles. A year later India was being hard hit. Since it’s a novel virus, [...]

US Military Troops Leave Afghanistan: End of Longest American War

It was a startling picture – one lone military soldier walking across the Kabul airport, stone-faced, carrying his firearm, getting ready to climb aboard an aircraft taking away the final US soldier from Afghanistan. Major General Chris Donahue was aboard the last flight carrying US forces out of the [...]

Kabul Airport Attack Escalates Afghanistan Conflict

“We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay,”  US President Joe Biden said. These remarks came after the devastating attack upon those trying desperately to get to the Kabul airport to evacuate the volatile situation on the ground. The Taliban [...]

The Evacuation Efforts In Afghanistan Remain Fluid As Situation Changes Hourly

The only predictable aspect of the evacuation efforts of Allied Forces and refugees in Afghanistan is its unpredictability. The situation changes hourly amid chaos from all quarters. The Taliban has said it will uphold evacuation efforts by August 31, but history has proved that we cannot depend on the [...]

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