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So far Prathap Samuel has created 187 blog entries.

Military Junta Creates Chaos in Myanmar

In February, Myanmar’s military staged a coup, ousting the civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi which won in a landslide election. Resistance and demonstrations against the takeover have steadily increased as civilians face horror and inhumanity at the hands of the Junta. More than 800 have been [...]

COVID-19 Virus Surges Once again in India

Like an ugly beast that just won’t die, the Covid-19 virus is surging once again in India. Statistics from India have not been that reliable in reporting the accuracy of the rate of infections in the country, but apparently the new variant is highly transmissible. It is doing what [...]

Ethiopian Orthodox Patriarch Pleads for Help in Tigray Region of Ethiopia

News from the war-torn Tigray region of Ethiopia is hard to come by. Abune Mathias, an ethnic Tigrayan who leads 36 million Orthodox Christian believers said that he tried to get word out last month about the atrocities being committed by Eritrean forces and Amhara militia men who are [...]

The Future for Women in Afghanistan Remains Uncertain

US President Joe Biden on 14 April announced plans to remove the remaining 2,500 US troops from Afghanistan after more than two decades in the war-torn country. Under the Taliban’s rule from 1996-2001, the rights of women were severely curtailed. Women were barred from education and work and could [...]

Negligence and Corruption are Root Causes of Baghdad Fire

Endemic corruption and gross mismanagement are at the heart of Iraq’s health system. At least 82 people were killed and at least 110 were wounded in a horrible fire at Ibn al-Khatib hospital in Baghdad late Saturday night. Preliminary reports believe the fire started from haphazardly stored oxygen cylinders. [...]

India Faces Rampant Resurgence of Covid Cases in the Country

What happened? India seemed to be dealing with the COVID outbreak in the country successfully, even relaxing some of the most stringent guidelines. Suddenly, the ugly monster reared its head with a headlong rush into overdrive. Pictures of mass cremations in India’s busiest city streets are appalling the world. [...]

42 Migrants Drown Off the Coast of Djibouti, East Africa

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) announced that in a desperate attempt to get home, 42 migrants drowned in an unsafe vessel as they attempted to travel from Yemen to Djibouti. At least 16 children, 8 boys and 8 girls were among the dead. This is the second similar [...]

Dire Water Shortage in Jordan Threatens its Way of Life

In the last three decades the Dead Sea’s level has fallen almost 100 feet! What is happening? Jordan is experiencing massive droughts as the Dead Sea continues to evaporate. The Dead Sea is extremely salty, but when it evaporates, freshwater rushes in and takes its place, dissolving subterranean salt [...]

Devastating Earthquake Rocks Java in Indonesia

Indonesia’s main island of Java was rocked by a 6.0 earthquake about 2 p.m. local time on Saturday. It was also felt on the resort island of Bali. It killed at least seven people. It was the second disaster to strike the nation in a week’s time. Indonesia’s earthquake [...]

Iran Blames Israel for Attack on Its Nuclear Enrichment Site

Iran suffered a blackout Sunday at its underground Natanz atomic facility, calling it an act of “nuclear terrorism.” Iran immediately blamed Israel for the failure at its facility. The “failure” at the plant coincided with Israel’s celebration of Independence Day. After repeated “attacks” against its facility, Iran is rebuilding [...]

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