About Prathap Samuel

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So far Prathap Samuel has created 187 blog entries.

What is Next for Muslim Turkey?

What would you think if a group of people you regarded as enemies were the first to help you after a natural disaster? Would that change the way you viewed them? That is a question Turkish Muslims must now ask themselves. Though Turkey was the location for many of [...]

Parenting Class for Muslim Syrian Refugees

Who knows the best way to raise children? Our Heavenly Father, of course! There is much in the Bible about how to raise children. The Old Testament offers both good and bad examples of parenting. Proverbs gives us guidelines through short exhortations. The New Testament epistles give essential exhortations [...]

Sudan Is Mired In Bitter Rivalries Between Two Generals

Sudan is one of East Africa’s largest countries, and it is also one of its poorest. It is situated just south of Egypt and borders the Red Sea. Its capital, Khartoum, is presently erupting in gunfire and chaos. What is the source of this clash that has already killed [...]

God Offers Healing to Trafficked Women Through A Coffee House

Coffee houses are the perfect place to have deep conversations. They provide an informal, relaxed setting where people are free to discuss just about anything. For that reason, Flourish Café was established in 2021 in Indonesia to help women who were victims of human trafficking. They could have honest [...]

Nepali Women Gossip the Gospel!

We associate gossip with something negative: talking about people behind their backs. Gossip is one of the reasons there is the ninth commandment: “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.” But gossip can be a good thing when it involves talking about Jesus to everyone. Some call [...]

Are Sex-Selected Abortions a Problem Among India’s Christians?

India Population: Over 1.3 billion Christian percentage: 2.2 Dominant religion: Hinduism Who will stand by you no matter what? It’s your mother, isn’t it? Even in the animal kingdom, a mother will do anything to protect and nurture her young. This is one of the many reasons why abortion [...]

God is Bringing Beauty From Ashes in Myanmar!

For decades, the government in Myanmar has been noted for brutality and oppression. There have been about 40,000 innocent people killed in a needless civil war. There are countless internally displaced people, meaning those who are forced to leave their homes and settle elsewhere in the country because of [...]

God’s Answers Overturn Satan’s Efforts in India!

If you have been following what is happening in India, you might be left with the impression that this huge nation will soon become closed to the gospel. The most powerful political party is the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which regards Islam and Christianity as political and spiritual threats. [...]

Japan Brings on the Bots!

Population: 126.3 million Christian: 2.2 percent Dominant religion: Shintoism Japan is a nation in a self-inflicted crisis. They experienced a baby boom after losing a high percentage of their population during WWII. Their population and economy recovered well during the 1950s and 60s. Those baby boomers are now in [...]

Scam Artists in Cambodia Using Victims of Human Trafficking

BASIC INFORMATION ON CAMBODIA PRAYER PAGE Chief of State: King Norodom Sihamoni Head of Government: Prime Minister Hun Sen Population: 15,288,489 Christians: 3.2% Evangelical Christians: 1.6% Have you ever received an unwanted phone call or email from someone claiming if you send money you will get great returns or [...]

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