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So far Prathap Samuel has created 187 blog entries.

Bible Translation for a Tribe in Libya

According to missionary statesman, Don Richardson, Christianity survived in Egypt while dying out in other parts of North Africa. The reason for the Church’s survival largely has to do with the Bible being translated into the local language. Egyptians had ownership of the Word of God, thus they felt [...]

Coffee and Christ Come Together in Thailand

The Apostle Paul warns his readers in 2 Corinthians 9 that whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will reap generously. This is a great exhortation to spread the seed of the gospel far and wide. Fortunately, even “scattered” seeds can also bring about a harvest. [...]

Violence against women Has Deep Roots in China

In June, a group of unknown men beat a group of women and kicked them in the head in the city of Tangshan. The assailants used bottles and chairs in this unprovoked attack. In January, a woman was chained by her neck in a shack. These two incidents have [...]

Mahsa Amini Dies While In Custody Of Iran’s Morality Police

How did such a senseless killing take place? It all goes back to the Iranian Revolution of 1979 which was a Shia Islamic revolution that overthrew the monarchy of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. What ensued was a theocracy led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Why did it occur? It stemmed [...]

Somalia In Desperate Need Of Humanitarian Relief

Somalia, situated on the horn of Africa, is on the horns of a dilemma – looming famine. Unless this plight catches the eye of the world in the midst of the bigger headlines about the Russian/Ukrainian conflict, this impoverished nation’s pending disaster may go largely unnoticed. Martin Griffiths, the [...]

Pray for An Emerging Church in the Persian Gulf Region

Do you like to hear about unreached Muslims embracing Christ? It is rare, but far more common as the final harvest continues in the 21st Century. There is a team of missionaries working among Muslims in the eastern portion of the Persian Gulf. They have managed to win more [...]

A Harvest of Fruit in Muslim North Africa

Throughout history, the places where new ideas take hold have often been port cities. This is where ideas come and go freely, and it’s much more difficult for cultural “gatekeepers” to stop the spread of outside ideas. Many of the Apostle Paul’s church plants were in places where ships [...]

A Painful Solution to Iran’s Ongoing Water Shortage

In 2021, January was Iran’s driest month on record since 1983. March and October were also very dry, though November was wet. In the 21st Century, Iran has lost over 200 cubic kilometers of its total water storage and there is no end in sight. Iran is a nation [...]

Devastating Monsoon Ravages Pakistan

Monsoons are a yearly event in Pakistan, but this year’s monsoon has left one-third of the country underwater, an area the size of Wyoming. Not only have many homes been swept away, but vital roads and bridges too have been destroyed, further adding to the chaotic state by disrupting [...]

Cracking the Thai Protective Barrier

Do you like to hear about unreached Muslims embracing Christ? It is rare, but far more common as the final harvest continues in the 21st Century. There is a team of missionaries working among Muslims in the eastern portion of the Persian Gulf. They have managed to win more [...]

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