Is Kais Saied trying to become Tunisia’s dictator?

Is Kais Saied trying to become Tunisia's dictator? The Tunisian President, Kais Saied extended the State of Emergency declared in 2015 until the end of the year. This is the longest an Emergency period has run in Tunisia. Opposition leaders worry that the ruling party will use these extensions to wipe out other parties and [...]

Tunisia Tables Bill to use Central Bank’s Money

Tunisia Tables Bill to use Central Bank's Money The Tunisian Government wants to use the country's Central Bank to borrow from. This is a dangerous move that can influence high inflation and even devaluation of the Tunisian Dinar. It also opens the backdoor for governmental corruption on an unprecedented scale. Tunisia could face a financial [...]

Persecution from Society and Pressure from Family for Moroccan Converts

Persecution from Society and Pressure from Family for Moroccan Converts New Moroccan converts are facing severe persecution in the society as well as pressure from their own families to abandon their new found faith in Jesus Christ. Morocco does not have any laws that prohibit such conversions explicitly however, the new converts can face arrest [...]

Is Morocco Heading Towards a Food Crisis?

Is Morocco Heading Towards a Food Crisis? Seven years of severe drought and a massive drop in rainfall, Morocco has lost most of it's agricultural areas. Almost a million hectares of agricultural lands remain dry with water vanishing from major dams. Although there are plans to generate water needed for irrigation through desalination, it will [...]

Tunisia Seeks Closer Ties with China

Tunisia Seeks Closer Ties with China The Tunisian Government is seeking closer ties with China in recent months. While the North African country enjoys support from the European Union, a partnership with China will decrease accountability on human rights. Chinese collaboration throughout the African Continent involves payment of massive bribes to the ruling government leaders [...]

Tunisia Detains Illegal Sub-Saharan Migrants

Tunisia Detains Illegal Sub-Saharan Migrants Sub-Saharan migrants in Tunisia face deportation and arrest. The Tunisian Government receives over a billion Euros to police their coast against illegal crossings. Despite Tunisia's official stand of not wanting to be "Europe's Coast Guard", they opted to keep their country clear of Sub-Saharan migrants. Pray for the fair and [...]

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