Sudan Is Mired In Bitter Rivalries Between Two Generals

Sudan is one of East Africa’s largest countries, and it is also one of its poorest. It is situated just south of Egypt and borders the Red Sea. Its capital, Khartoum, is presently erupting in gunfire and chaos. What is the source of this clash that has already killed [...]

Bible Translation for a Tribe in Libya

According to missionary statesman, Don Richardson, Christianity survived in Egypt while dying out in other parts of North Africa. The reason for the Church’s survival largely has to do with the Bible being translated into the local language. Egyptians had ownership of the Word of God, thus they felt [...]

South Sudan WIN-CRU Photo Gallery

Won’t you help us to go into all the world (10/40 Window) and preach the good news to all creation and make disciples? Join Window International Network (WIN) as we work to inform, equip, and mobilize networks of prayer around the globe to empower effective evangelism, church growth, and [...]

South Sudan WIN-CRU Video Gallery

WIN1040+ITRN South Sudan Telethon Won’t you help us to go into all the world (10/40 Window) and preach the good news to all creation and make disciples? Join Window International Network (WIN) as we work to inform, equip, and mobilize networks of prayer [...]

A Harvest of Fruit in Muslim North Africa

Throughout history, the places where new ideas take hold have often been port cities. This is where ideas come and go freely, and it’s much more difficult for cultural “gatekeepers” to stop the spread of outside ideas. Many of the Apostle Paul’s church plants were in places where ships [...]

Violence Erupts In Sudan

Anti-military protests have plagued Sudan for more than eight months ever since the military seized power from a transitional civilian-led government in October 2021. There is considerable tribal unrest in the country. The most powerful faction of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North is a rebel group in the South [...]

A Port and A Call to Christ in North Africa

Port cities have always been places where new ideas flourish. Even in the Muslim Arab World, there are people in the port areas who will hear and embrace new ideas. There is a “Port Team” that wants to see a church planting movement among Muslims in an Arab port [...]

One More People Group in Sudan is Being Reached!

Sudan is a nation we often hear about, and the news is almost never positive. Stories of war, drought, and human cruelty have made it to our newspapers for so long that we easily become desensitized to it. No matter how degenerate mankind can be, God brings beauty [...]

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