Moken Sea Gypsies Can Become Natural Evangelists!

Myanmar persecution ranking: 14 The unreached Moken people are nicknamed the “sea gypsies” of the Andaman Sea for a reason. They are nomads who travel by water. For decades they have been an unreached people group in just about all Southeast Asian countries where they reside, including Myanmar. Now [...]

The Timothy Initiative (TTI) Breaking New Ground in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso persecution ranking: 32   Do you ever wonder if you are making a difference in God’s Kingdom? Kojo, a church planting trainer from West Africa, does not have to wonder. This past spring, Kojo and others provided church planting training for 25 people who want to see [...]

Divorce Means Celebration for Mauritanian Women

Mauritania Population: 4,081,000 Percent Christian: .3 Dominant religion: Islam Persecution ranking: 20   Have you been through a divorce? Do you view divorce as a reason to grieve or to celebrate? Anywhere in the Muslim world, divorce is a fate worse than death for a woman. A divorced woman [...]

What A Sneaky Way To Take the Gospel to Muslim North Africa!

There is a very sneaky way to get the gospel to people in closed countries. Once someone has it, it can’t be detected unless that country has government agents to personally check people’s cell phones. Apps are downloadable and usually undetectable. Once the person has it, he can access [...]

Serving the Lord in Muslim Central Asia

To some people, summer means fun and vacations. To others it means an opportunity to serve the Lord in a distant part of the world. There are several former Soviet republics in Central Asia that are almost entirely Muslim. Efforts to establish the gospel in these countries have been [...]

Benin is Beating the Odds

Population: 10,449,000 Christian percentage: 37 percent Dominant religion: Christianity Benin is a tiny West African nation overshadowed by her huge neighbor to the east, Nigeria. This country is known for poverty for a variety of reasons, but two dominate. Eighty percent of the people work in agriculture. If there [...]

Will History Repeat Itself in India’s Punjab?

Population: 1.3 billion Dominant religion: Hinduism Christian: 2.2 percent Evangelical: Unknown   Why would Sikhs want their home state, Punjab, to break away from India? There are several reasons. When India gained its independence from Great Britain on August 15, 1947, Muslims soon separated into a different nation. Yet [...]

What is Next for Muslim Turkey?

What would you think if a group of people you regarded as enemies were the first to help you after a natural disaster? Would that change the way you viewed them? That is a question Turkish Muslims must now ask themselves. Though Turkey was the location for many of [...]

Parenting Class for Muslim Syrian Refugees

Who knows the best way to raise children? Our Heavenly Father, of course! There is much in the Bible about how to raise children. The Old Testament offers both good and bad examples of parenting. Proverbs gives us guidelines through short exhortations. The New Testament epistles give essential exhortations [...]

God Offers Healing to Trafficked Women Through A Coffee House

Coffee houses are the perfect place to have deep conversations. They provide an informal, relaxed setting where people are free to discuss just about anything. For that reason, Flourish Café was established in 2021 in Indonesia to help women who were victims of human trafficking. They could have honest [...]

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