Ethnic Violence Rocks India’s Manipur State

Your first question might be where is Manipur? It is a state in northeastern India largely isolated from the major part of the country. There are several diverse ethnic groups living there. Manipur has been in the news lately because of the violence that has occurred. Hundreds have been [...]

Middle Eastern Women Trapped at Home

If you are reading this articles, more than likely you live in the United States or another country that allows freedom of the press, free speech, and other freedoms that Western society takes for granted. However, those freedoms do not exist for many Middle Eastern nations, and they particularly [...]

Genocide: History Repeats Itself In The Darfur Region Of Sudan

Once again history is repeating itself. This time it is the Darfur region of western Sudan. Twenty years ago 300,000 people were killed and many others were displaced when armed militias targeted ethnic African tribes: murdering, raping, burning, and stealing without punishment. The guilty parties are Arab raiders called [...]

Violence Continues to Escalate in India’s Manipur Province

Once again ethnic clashes have broken out between the  minority Kuki and majority Meitei communities in India’s Manipur province. Indian opposition leader Rahul Gandhi surveyed the relief camps and reported, “I met people of all communities....The basic amenities at the camps need to be improved. Food needs to be [...]

Ethnic Violence Rocks India’s Northeastern State Of Manipur

Persecution against Christians is not a thing of the past. It is very much alive and growing around the world, as in the case of Manipur state in India. Men, women, and children have been beaten and attacked by ravaging mobs. Houses and entire villages have been set on [...]

Update: Violence Erupts In Pakistan After Ex-Prime Minister’s Arrest

Pakistan is no stranger to violence. Imran Khan, the ex- Prime Minister, is the seventh former prime minister to be arrested in the country. The military has made most of the ruling ever since Pakistan gained its independence from British colonial rule. Khan was arrested Tuesday during a court [...]

Nigeria: After The 2023 General Election

Nigeria is Africa’s largest country by GDP and population. Since the return of democracy, the country has held 10 general elections. Some have had election irregularities, and others have been abysmal, as in the case of the 2007 general election that brought the late President Umar Musa Yar’Adua into [...]

Sudan Conflict Intensifies

As the fighting in Sudan intensifies, there is a desperate attempt by all countries to get their nationals out safely. When a new three-day ceasefire went into effect, it gave hope to many that they could be able to accommodate all foreigners who wanted to evacuate and those Sudanese [...]

Sudan Is Mired In Bitter Rivalries Between Two Generals

Sudan is one of East Africa’s largest countries, and it is also one of its poorest. It is situated just south of Egypt and borders the Red Sea. Its capital, Khartoum, is presently erupting in gunfire and chaos. What is the source of this clash that has already killed [...]

Nigerian Government Fails to Stop Violence in southern Kaduna

With man’s basic carnal instincts unchecked, mankind can sink to unimaginable depths of depravity. That is precisely what is happening in Nigeria’s southern Kaduna region. Marauding Fulani herdsmen as well as other unchecked terrorist groups are wreaking havoc on unprotected villagers. Kidnappings are routine and the terrorists’ chief means [...]

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